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Bite into Goodness

Say goodbye to popcorn and say hello to Karma Bites. Let 2019 blow your mind with these

little balls of love.

This unique product will not only be adored by your taste buds, but it will

nurture your body. These crispy delights are perfect for any situation; make your colleagues

jealous by snacking on them at work, they’ll be sure to add some crunch to a salad or swap

conventional unhealthy snacks for these gems. Being vegan friendly and gluten free, with

flavours to satisfy every occasion and palette these snacks are a must.

The love behind Karma Bites

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, working on the

principle that the mind, body and spirit must be carefully balanced to sustain health and

wellbeing. Karma bites embraces this whole-body approach and provides a wholesome and

tasty snack for everyone to enjoy. Karma Bites were created with the intention of producing

a party in your mouth and a warm feeling in your heart.

The founders of Karma Bites believe that when you eat good, you will feel good inside, and this will be projected into goodness you spread on the outside. So, go on have a packet and release your inner

goodness today.

Karma Bites a Day to Keep the Doctor Away

Karma Bites are 100 percent natural with no hidden nasties. The process of popping the

lotus seeds is done using low heat to ensure all nutrients and flavour are retained. Although

these seeds are small, they pack a nutritional punch, bursting full of the mineral’s potassium,

manganese and magnesium, all essential for our daily functioning. Let these special snacks

heal you and provide wellness from within, here are just a few ways why your body will thank

you for munching on Karma bites:

1. A small handful of Karma bites is full of fibre, crucial for keeping our digestive

system healthy and for preventing constipation.

2. High protein content is a key feature of Karma bites, protein is needed to keep the

body running smoothly for example it is involved in building and repairing tissues in

addition to synthesis of hormones.

3. A packet of these lovelies can help out with sleep and relaxation. The lotus seed

has mild sedative qualities which helps combat restless sleep and heal the stressed


4. Thankfully are low in fat, cholesterol and salt, combined with their low-calorie

content, it makes them the perfect snack to satisfy cravings without affecting your


5. Their low glycaemic index (how much something increases your blood sugar

levels) makes it a perfect snack for diabetics, making sure everyone can experience

the wonder of Karma Bites.

6. Emerging research is showing a strong association between lotus seeds and

reduced inflammation.


The founder of Karma bites has snacked on popped lotus seeds for 3 generations,

experiencing first hand their numerous health and wellbeing benefits, wanting to spread their

joy this delicious snack was created so you too can experience their magic.

If health and happiness is what you desire then respect your body and choose Karma Bites

next time you are feeling peckish, remember a little bit of goodness goes a long way! Find them on instagram @karmabitesgoodness



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