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Chatting with the Author Of “Your Tastebuds Are A**holes”

Unique Hammond (@uniquehammond) is a Chrohn’s survivor, holistic nutritionist, author, health coach, and AIP certified! When she isn’t helping her clients, she is spending QT with her family, reading or researching the latest food and diet trends, batch cooking or working out!

It’s so wonderful to be talking with you today Unique! You have recently launched your book — ‘Your Tastebuds Are A**holes: How I Trained Mine and Healed Chrohn’s’ which is available to buy on amazon. So, for the readers who don’t yet know — can you tell us a bit about what Crohn’s is?

Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the digestive tract, mostly the small intestine but can affect any part from mouth to tail. My Crohn's inflammation was located in my Ileocecal valve, a pretty standard presentation for Crohn's.

Can you share what has your journey has been like from diagnosis to present day?

The first three years of my disease sapped all joy, passion, and laughter from my life. I felt alone as I didn’t know anyone with Crohn’s at the time and if I did, they were all taking the conventional route to remission. In those three years the pain was unbearable and the bathroom sprints embarrassing. I couldn’t eat because everything I ate (including water) gave me so much pain. In the years following my Crohn's diagnosis, I was often found in a crumbled pile of skin and bones on the floor sobbing. I couldn’t sleep, I was depressed and would wander the halls of my family home sobbing quietly and praying while my family slept.

I chose to put my Crohn’s into remission via diet and lifestyle after I went to 7 different gastrointestinal Medical Doctors and felt the standard treatment was not for me. I also felt some comfort knowing if my natural exploration failed I had that as a good backup. I had a great medical team that kept a good eye on me and supported my efforts during that time. I was successful in putting my severe Crohn’s into remission with diet and lifestyle. I am currently living a normal life, with close attention paid to the quality and quantity of my nutrient intake. I live my natural remission every day with great joy.

You refer to your book as holistic guide for hacking Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), what would conventional medicine offer as a solution to IBD and why did you choose an alternative route?

After a deep dive into the medical possibilities, I was left feeling scared and hopeless. I did a lot of research and most of the drugs they offered to help manage my symptoms had the potential to cause a lot of other issues, and there was no guarantee I would go into remission. The medical world offered me one prescription after another ranging from biologics, steroids, and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Most of the prescription drugs offered would suppress my immune system leaving me open for all kinds of other infections. The idea of suppressing my immune system instinctually felt wrong. I knew I needed to try to see my disease from another angle. Not an easy thing to do when you are suffering so much you can hardly think! Something deep inside me just knew if I could fight off the fear and commit to the holistic path I could figure it out. My efforts and my dedication paid off as I live a prescription free healthy life with the only side effects being that I eat high-quality foods and take great care of my nervous system and immune system. I am currently living my best life. A life I couldn’t imagine living while I was sick.

I know it’s more complex than a few dietary tips, but what are the most important dietary changes you made to help heal yourself?

Cut all processed foods, sugar and caffeine. I cook 90% of my meals at home. It’s important to control the quality of my food to support my body staying healthy and balanced.

What exercise tips can you recommend to someone suffering with IBD?

Do something low or medium grade if you are feeling well like walking, stretching, breathing. Working out hard or pushing yourself can lead to more inflammation in the body. Take it easy. When the body is off balance and full of inflammation it needs calm, loving movement.

If there is anyone reading this who thinks they may be suffering with IBD, where should they start? And what support systems should they try to get involved with?

If you desire a holistic approach to healing, build a support team including doctors and nutritionist who support your journey. Simplify your diet. Eat only organic, grass-fed or wild foods. Clean up your diet by ditching all processed foods, sugars, stimulants. It’s so essential to ditch toxic foods, habits, and people. See your doctor, voice your health concerns and do blood, stool or urine test as needed. If that is beyond your financial capacity, invest in higher quality food. A disease is expensive, much better to save yourself money by eating healthy high-quality foods now. The best way to get healthy is to remove all tempting foods from your house. If you are part of a family, ask for their support by ditching those foods and joining you on living a healthier life.

Looking at gut health on a wider scale now, you offer a 6-month Great Gutz Programme — what can someone expect to gain from joining this programme?

A step by step personalized process to help create or get back their best health. If my client has gut issues, we will most likely start at what I call base camp. Base Camp is where we ditch all the crap foods, inflammatory foods, stimulants and begin building back the intestines one step at a time. Weekly calls, meal plan ideas, recipes, bulk cooking instructions, and text support included — no silver bullets or magic potions here just good old fashion work and dedication.

Why is it so important to care for our gut?

All of the nutrients that support our body being healthy and balanced are retrieved from our digestion. Our gut houses most of our immune system and happy hormones to put it simply. Our gut and microbiome facilitate the cleaving of nutrients needed for healthy hormones, a balanced mood, healthy immune system and the energy we need to live our best life.

Can you tell the readers about the relationship you have with your gut now? \

I go out of my way to care for it. I know what it feels like to be filled with inflammation and disease. I will never disrespect my body again by eating what my mouth wants instead of what my body needs.

Something I like to ask everyone I interview — What is the one best piece of nutritional advice you can give?

Start buying organic, grass-fed, biodynamic foods now. We either spend money now on our health by eating high-quality foods or bleed money later on a disease. Chew your food well, eat calm and be thankful every day for your amazing healthy body. Oh and Breathe. Your body needs oxygen to support your best health.

If you want to learn more about Unique’s journey or want to find out what services she offers — go and check out her website!


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