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Talking to Sue Hay, the founder of Thrive Magazine

Thrive is your trusted, online resource and magazine covering all things health, nutrition and wellness, plus healthy recipes too! I am talking to the Editor and Founder Sue Hay about all things Thrive.

Hi Sue. Thanks for chatting to me today. How did Thrive come about?

Back in 2013 I jumped out of my corporate career in design and brand management after a period of ill health, I was stressed to the hilt, travelling too much and eating a very poor diet. After trying to get help from my GP, doing numerous tests again and

again I decided to take my health into my own hands and research, then retrain in Nutrition. Once I had begun to feel better, I realised how many other people were feeling the same as I was, sick and tired all the time!

I decided to Launch Thrive as a magazine initially to share all of the expert

information on health & nutrition and clear up the confusion around the topics. Thrive just grew so fast and we are now available in over 72 countries – globally.

What have you found challenging about launching and running Thrive


Wow! Well launching and running a business in publishing has been a

joy on times and a challenge almost daily. Finding the most ethical health brands

was a challenge back in 2013 as the industry was just beginning to grow. Now in

2019 the healthy food market has snowballed and is only going to keep growing.

Thrive works with ethical health and food brands – helping them to grow their brand

and audience online, and so, for us it’s all about the right collaborations and working

with our panel of Thrive Experts in Nutrition, Fitness and Wellness. To bring our

readers the most relevant and expertly written articles.

How do you select the topics for each magazine issue?

We listen to our readers and global audience. We will respond to the questions that they are asking and create content based around this. Also, I speak at various food, health events so I’m always hearing the latest trends and what direction the industry is heading.

Thrive is known for cutting through the confusion when it comes to health by

providing information from qualified professionals. Why is it so important to provide information from experts only?

Absolutely crucial, the level of confusion at the moment in health & nutrition is at an all-time high, health is so important and with the freedom of information available to

us all we have to come from a position of authority and only share expert led articles

to ensure that our readers are learning the correct info to then help them to improve

their health.

Publishing a fabulous magazine is not the only thing Thrive does. Thrive

works with healthy, ethical brands to help them grow online. Why do you feel

it’s so important to help ethical brands?

I truly believe that ethical brands are the brands of the future (I’m actually in the

middle of writing my book about this. Over the past 4-5 years we’ve seen big

corporate brands in food and health pivot. They’ve noticed the change in consumer

behaviour and have been inquisitive about the start-up brands too. It’s time that all of

our choices in the supermarkets were beneficial to our overall health and not

detrimental. I’m not saying we can’t have treats, not at all – I love the odd decadent

chocolate brownie, but ethical brands have a purpose and mission to help their

customers, preserve the planet and to make sure we all have a healthy future.

What’s not to support!

How do you help brands build their social audience?

We work with some amazing brands across food, health, fitness and wellness and

our team at Thrive has excellent experience in digital marketing. We work 121 with

brands to manage their social media presence and also, we are launching our Thrive

Brand Academy very soon. An online platform offering courses, teaching and

support to ensure that amazing health brands don’t fall by the wayside.

You also offer creative website design. What sets you aside from other

companies offering a similar service?

We only work with health, food brands as I know this industry so well, we design

websites in this industry and as my background is in brand management, I know

which way to direct our designers to ensure that we’re building beautiful websites

that convert. We actually won Digital marketing Agency of the year in 2018.

In your fantastic podcast “Thrive Ethical Entrepreneur”, what kind of topics

can listeners expect to hear?

Ah I launched the podcast this year and it’s been a brilliant way to have interesting conversations with healthy brand owners. I talk to entrepreneurs in health, food, nutrition, fitness to share their knowledge of building a business in this industry with our listeners. We cover, all aspects of how to launch a business and brand in food and health. From brand mission, ethics and growth. Listen in.

You are launching your Thrive Brand Academy. What is this and how can

people get involved?

Over the years I’ve seen some amazing brands and products in food and health, but

sometimes the business owner hasn’t had the support in building a great brand

online. And so, some of those brands have failed and disappeared. On the contrary

I’ve worked with large corporates in the food space who have launched a sub-level

product, but they have flown – they have the budget to promote. I want to help new

and existing business owners in food, health, fitness to launch and grow a

sustainable brand and to grow their audience – so that they are around for the long


Thrive brand academy will do just that. It’s on online course and coaching platform

where I share all of my knowledge of running Thrive, via a targeted 8-week course to

help them understand ways to grow their brand online and get publicity too!

What can we expect in the Autumn issue?

It’s a packed issue, covering some key topics, including gut health, nutrition and the menopause, emotional eating and more.

Find out more over at:

Something I ask all of my guests – what tips can you give to help the readers

lead a healthy lifestyle?

Ah wow, first up learn to listen to your body, know when it feels healthy and when it

doesn’t. Recognise the foods that make you feel good and stick to an overall

balanced diet. Don’t chase the extreme eating plans. Replace the unhealthy foods

with alternative healthy options that you love and bit by bit you WILL notice a

difference in your energy levels and overall health. It’s all about balance – remember!

Find our more:

Instagram: @thrivemagazine

Thrive Brand Academy – helping food, health, fitness brands to launch and grow

online – COMING SOON


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