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How to Detox your home

Michelle Breau is a Holistic Nutritionist (RHNP), Wellness Business Coach, and host of

the new podcast, GROWradio. She believes that lifestyle medicine is the way of the

future, and she aims to educate and inspire those with the desire for a deeper

understanding of how to use it. As a coach for wellness entrepreneurs, her goal is to

educate fellow practitioners on how to build their business, connect with more clients,

and to create a quantum leap in the direction of a healthier, happier world.

Michelle's journey to wellness began after high school when she struggled with bothskin and digestive issues. She began researching ways to heal her body naturally, andrealized her passion for Nutrition while sharing what she was learning with others. She

has since completed her diploma in Nutrition from ICS Canada, her 200-hour Yoga

Teacher Training, and her advanced diploma in Holistic Nutrition with Nutraphoria

School of Holistic Nutrition. 

Throughout her time in school, Michelle also worked in a clinic setting as a Naturopathic Health Advisor, supporting those dealing with various ailments naturally. She then went on to start a small coaching practice where she helped hundreds of people to lose weight and find joy in the journey to their healthiest, happiest selves.

Hi Michelle and thanks for speaking with me today. Lets start with — What is a detox and why is it important to ‘detoxify’ our homes?

Thanks so much for having me! I’ll start by saying that there tends to be a huge “Ick factor” that is felt when most people hear the word “detox.” That being said, this comes from a place of misunderstanding what it truly means to detox, which tends to be fuelled by what we see on social media, in magazines, or even at our local drug store. Weight loss shakes, cabbage soup diets and strange herbal flushes are what most people assume the word detox means, but these methods tend to be more detrimental to our health in the long-term, while not really providing a true space for detoxification to occur.

Here are the facts: We live in a world where over 80,000 new chemicals have been introduced into our environment, our food supply, our household cleaning products and our skincare and cosmetics over the last 100 years. The large majority of these chemicals have never been tested for safety, yet we ingest a MULTITUDE of

them while having no true understanding of what these chemicals can do when ingested - either individually or combined. Furthermore, we are inundated with one of the worst toxins around more than ever before: Stress.

For this reason, when I talk about detox, I am referring to areas of our body such as the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and digestive system. When we begin to support and nourish each of these areas of the body (and a few more!), they will do what they were created to do, which is to detoxify!

What is meant by household air pollution?

The air in our home is, on average, 100-500% MORE toxic than the air outside. Consider your home like a bucket with a lid. Each time you spray a cleaning product, or you turn on your gas stove, or your furnace runs, or you find a bit of mold in your bathroom, or your pets shed their fur, it essentially becomes “trapped” within the walls of your home. For this reason, understanding the most common causes and locations of potential toxicity, as well as healthy alternatives or ways to safely remove it can create a world of difference in your living space.

How can we tell if the products we are buying are harmful to our health?

This really depends on which types of products you are referring to. For cosmetics, I really like the “Think Dirty” app, which can be used to scan different products and see what each ingredient actually can do in the body. There is also the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database. For pesticide/herbicides in our food supply, check out the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen” list. This will tell you which foods are best to choose organic (the most contaminated with chemicals). Lastly, for cleaning products, the Environmental Working Group has a great little database of cleaning products - But I would almost consider just making your own household cleaning products. Find a professional to help show you how, or reach out to

someone you know who already does for support!

Are there any particular chemicals we should look out for when reading product labels?

I think this really depends on what we are referring to. For food, a good rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it, it’s probably a chemical. For everything else, using the Environmental Working Group’s website or the Think Dirty App is great because they break down exactly which chemicals are in various products and what they actually can do in the body.

I’ve heard that keeping plants in your home can benefit us — is there any truth in this?

Absolutely! It’s one of the main reason I called my podcast, “GROWradio!” For starters, a study was done years ago called the NASA Clean Air Study, and it tested the various chemicals that can be removed from various types of houseplants. You can learn more about it by clicking here . Second of all, plants have been shown to add a calming, grounded feeling to a room. There’s just something about a little pop of life in the home! And finally, I can’t forget to mention SOIL. One tablespoon of soil has more microbes than there are people on the planet. This might sound gross, but we as humans have 10X more bacteria cells than human cells. I always joke and say, “Technically speaking, gardeners live longer,” but the truth is, many of these microbes are the same kinds of microbes you’d find in a soil-based probiotic capsule. Having a connection to our soil and the Earth, be it through a backyard garden or a few herbs growing in your windowsill can work wonders for health of the home, body, mind and soul.

Is there anything in the kitchen that we should be aware of that may cause us harm?

This is a loaded question! Just about everything in the kitchen can cause harm in some way, from the stove to knives to the hot water in our sink! That being said, a good place to start is under your sink. Is there water or moisture there? I find it funny that most cupboards are made of wood, and the pipe for our kitchen sink usually goes right through this cupboard. It is not uncommon for my clients to find leaks in this area of their home, which is of course a perfect breeding ground for mold. There are many others, and for this I would recommend working with a practitioner in this area who can dive deeper into your individual space. Shameless plug: I am running a 30-day intensive all about this which begins on May 13th. You can learn more about it by clicking here.

What are non-irradiated herbs and spices? Should we steer clear of them?

When dried herbs and spices are not organic, they tend to be treated with radiation to kill any potential bacteria or pathogens and to make them “stay fresh” for what seems like an eternity. Unfortunately, our spices and their precious medicinal compounds tend to go rancid with irradiated herbs and it is quite difficult to tell whether they are fresh. If they are non-organic, this also often means they were sprayed with chemicals, which in my opinion, defeats the purpose of using herbs. They are one of the most potent healing and medicinal things we can use, so for this reason, I TRY to use as many organic spices as I can. But like anything and everything, understand that if you are

in the beginning stages of understanding the world of detox, I know it can feel overwhelming to learn that everything from your food to your makeup to your shampoo and your cleaning supplies are all creating more toxicity in your life. You do not have to change everything overnight. Take these changes one step at a time. When you run out of an herb or spice, replace it with an organic one.

Are air fresheners bad for us? If so — what natural alternatives are there?

The most annoying thing ever in my local fitness centre is that each bathroom has an automatic air freshener that spritzes chemicals directly over me each time I go in to change my clothes. These sprays can really impact hormone health. For this reason, I recommend diffusing essential oils in their place. But like anything else, quality is important. Oils are highly concentrated (you often only need a drop at a time!), so ensuring they are pure is quite important. I personally use doTERRA or Living Libations products.

Is it true that receipts can be toxic to our health?

Many receipt papers do contain Bisphenol A (BPA) which may pose health risks. The BPA tends to be more easily absorbed if you have wet hands or are wearing sanitizer.

What is the number one healthy home habit the readers should adopt?

Honour your sleep. Trust me: It’s okay to do less stuff. We are beings of light, so to give your hormones, energy levels, mood, sex drive, immune function and digestive system a kiss, follow the pattern of the sun. Go to bed at a set time each night, and get up at the same time each day. For me, that looks like roughly 10pm-6am, give or take 30 minutes. I try to dim the lights and reduce my exposure to super stimulating artificial light in the evenings. I shut off my phone 1-2 hours before I go to bed, and instead I read a book and relax. In the morning, I try to do the opposite by getting outside and exposing myself to some of the first morning light. This works wonders for ALL of the things. Rest well!

If you have loved learning about how to detoxify your home — go and visit Michelle on

Instagram , Facebook or her website for more information and tips on health!


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