Magnesium is a mineral of many talents needed for a number of key bodily functions. Studifuel provide magnesium supplements in their boxes, so whether you feel like your lacking in this mineral or just want to top up your levels, order a box and start reaping the plentiful benefits!
Magnesium deficiency
Low intakes over extended periods of time can lead you to become deficient. Low levels can lead to fatigue, low mood, anxiety, eye tics, insomnia, high blood pressure and muscle cramps…. doesn’t sound fun to me!
A good night’s sleep
Try making banana tea, they are rich in magnesium. Boil some water. Cut both ends off a banana and place in the water. Boil for about 10 minutes. Remove the banana, pour water through sieve and into mug. You can flavour it, I normally use honey and little cinnamon. Drink one hour before bed for a peaceful night sleep!

To ease achy and tired muscles
Magnesium is a neuromuscular sedative which calms the messages between nerves and muscle cells, this removes cramps and relaxes muscles. You can get magnesium bath salts which are perfect for your muscles after a long walk or a night out!
Good for the ticker
As we now know, magnesium relaxes muscles, and the heart is no exception. Magnesium relaxes muscles of the heart and its surrounding blood vessels. This lowers blood pressure which is always a good thing.
Bone health
Magnesium plays a role in bone formation. Optimal magnesium intake is associated with greater bone density and a lower risk of osteoporosis.
Dietary sources of magnesium
Dark green leafy vegetables e.g. spinach and kaleNuts and seeds e.g. Sunflower seeds, brazilsOily fish e.g. mackerel, tuna, salmonRaw cacao and dark chocolateBaked beansWhole grains e.g. brown rice, oatsChlorella powderFruit e.g. banana, avocadoLegumes e.g. black beans, cannellini beans, lentils!